Sunday, January 08, 2006

Curse of the Tree Swallows

A pretty dramatic title for my entry...

So I was just finishing my evening commute home from work (about 15 minutes between) and as I pulled into my apartment complex at dusk, there were the usual silent swarms of tree swallows gathering for their night roosting.

I admire these birds and how they move in an amoebic like manner with no particular bird taking the lead at any given time, but all move together in different directions.

As I was admiring these fascinating birds, I was shat upon.

I laughed to myself and quickly made my way upstairs to try and get it off before it set into my wool coat. Then I put dinner in the oven, built my laundry cart and hauled it down to the laundry room where I tried to sort into 3 washers.

I pumped my $1.75 into the last washer and hit the button (liquid detergent already in) and realized there was no power to the washer. [ insert long Napoleon Dynamite sigh of exasperation here ].

So I pulled out the wet jeans of the washer next to the dead one and folded them neatly on the counter for whomever their owners are and then hit the change release buttons to get my $1.75 back. That also didn't work.

I took the elevator upstairs and called the superintendant and reached "Gerri" who is my absolute least favorite superintendant because she uses all her polite words but exudes "bitch" in every interaction. She refused to help repeating that "the office is closed".

So while this does mean that I won't be able to dry 2 loads tonight, only 1 since I need to reallocate my funds to a working washing machine, it does mean that I still get my laundry washed.

The moral of the this story is that even the seemingly nicest people or birds will poo on you so take cover.


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