Monday, November 28, 2005

Animal Backs

I enjoy taking pictures of animals and usually the most readily available pictures are of the several cats we have in our family. I also noticed that I tend to favor taking pictures of them with their backs to the camera. I believe that it is because I prefer to frame the environment from the animal's perspective and enjoy interpreting what their thoughts might be.

This bunny was one of many awaiting state fair judgement to possibly take home the coveted first place ribbon.

I love his ears.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Ball's Falls

This was taken last October using a red filter and propping myself up by my elbows to steady the camera while lying on my stomach. This is part of the Lower Falls at the Balls Falls Conservation Park in Vineland, Ontario. You can learn more about it @

Thursday, November 24, 2005


I was at first unhappy with the camera shake that added too much blur to this picture, but then realized that it looked interesting. This is one of my favorite photos. I left the shutter open for 8 seconds and took it freehand.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Loving your art

I don't consider myself to be a consistently great photographer, mostly because I haven't been formally educated in it and I don't meticulously record aperture settings and shutter speeds so I can hone what I do properly. What I have produced I am very proud of because it is my form of artistic expression; statements mixed with observations conveyed without speaking.

I have never had the money on my own to travel to exotic locations. I was fortunate to be in a relationship with someone who enjoyed travelling and was able to fund our vacations to Nassau, to Vegas, Cancun (with a side journey to Chichen Itza and a day trip to Isla Mujeres) , Sedona and the Grand Canyon. As you can imagine, I took rolls upon rolls of film to record every trip and capture the beauty and culture. When that relationship culminated in a very bitter end and I moved out, I discovered to my horror, that he had been through my moving boxes and extracted every picture I took during our time together.

If you ever want to mortally wound a photographer, steal all their photos.

I will likely never have the money to go back to each place and rebuild my memories in photos even though I really want to. If you are a visitor to my page and have pictures you would like to send me of any of these locations, I would really appreciate your kindness.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Bring on the Hibernation

Today the winds of the tundra have made it all the way to St.Catharines to blast us all very unceremoniously in the faces as we leave any nice, climate-controlled building.

They gust, deliberately trying to push you around like a bully.

I am feeling the need to hibernate and mourn the warm days over the summer when I took beautiful pictures like this one of a sailboat on Lake Ontario.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Cross-border shopping

I *love* Target & Walgreen's when I go over to Buffalo across the Peace Bridge.

I also like the experience of passing through customs. It's an exhilerating experience heading into the U.S. when they have the K-9 Cops walking up and down the line of cars sniffing for drugs or perhaps explosives. Driving up to the window wondering what sort of demeanor the customs officer will face you with and if you can make them laugh, it feels like the keys to the kingdom as they forward you onward.

When I go over the border, I like to have lunch at Johnny Rockets at the Walden Galleria Mall. They sing and dance during your dinner when R-E-S-P-E-C-T plays and their Original hamburger is delicious and sinful. You don't want to eat that burger every day for sure. It comes with "American" cheese (here, it's just "cheese").

In Target, my eyes scan everything for every potential item that we don't have in Canada that I might want to take home. Yesterday I bought coconut hair conditioner for 87 cents! Then later I go to Wegman's (wow, that's a "meal market" instead of a grocery store) and bought 3 cases of Diet Cherry Coke to take home. We don't have that in Canada; only Cherry Coke. The only problem I have with Target is that there's no shopping music to listen to and instead you can hear all the associates radioing each other on their headsets.

Making it back into Canada is interesting as well. I once had my car turned inside out when officers were searching for all the purchases my mother and I made so they could take us inside and come up with the final tally of what we spent. They confiscated DHEA that my mom bought at GNC (turns out it's illegal here). Very interesting.

Friday, November 18, 2005

First Snowfall

Today's first snowfall in the afternoon was the end to all the denial we go through in Canada in order to perservere through the coldest of fall days and not wear a coat or hat.

A couple of days ago I saw pedestrians in London, Ontario crossing through cold, rain-drenched intersections wearing hooded winter coats, running shoes and capri yoga pants. I actually saw two ladies dressed like that--I thought it was just the one crazy person who could walk really fast and appear in two places just moments apart.

It's funny to hear legends of Americans who think that Canada is a big white, snowy chunk of land attached to the USA. We have all four seasons! I think the only place in Canada that we have igloos is in the NorthWest Territories where the Inuit live. Of course, some Inuit Internet Cafe is probably displaying this blog right now by accident and a group of Inuit Yuppies is sitting around in Starbuck's laughing at me and sipping Eggnog Lattes. What do I know? I've never been further North than Vancouver, B.C. or Cochrane, Ontario.

Back to the snowfall...

Christmas is in the air.
I love the nights that are mild and snowflakes drift lazily and quietly thorugh the air tickling noses and padding the concrete with softness.

Niagara Falls is especially beautiful in winter....

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sand Swirl

I created this pattern in the sand on the shores of Lake Huron @ Grand Bend this summer. I wanted a picture that I could frame and add to the "beachy" look in my bathroom and since developing it, I am fascinated by the shadows and the curves and would consider this one part of my personal best collection.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Mudgina @ Antelope Canyon

At Antelope Canyon, on the Navajo reserve in Nevada, you will find the softest red sand that makes interesting formations when drying from a flash flood. This photo was taken there and rivals the "heavenly" photos already taken of the sunbeams that appear on Calendars through all of America around this time of year.

Photography & First Post

I am an amateur photographer. I prefer to use my Canon Rebel EOS bought on my second trip to Vancouver to visit my best friend Stacey.

I am also armed with a multitude of filters and a really cool and multi-organizational camera bag. These were Christmas presents to me a few years ago.

I will post my favorite photos here along with my thoughts and general complaints. The "yooszhe" (usual) stuff you see in Blogs.